Orthopedic Sports Massage is a complete hands on treatment that combines massage and manual therapy techniques. Created by James, these techniques are a culmination of years of experience working with the human body.

The goal of each session is to provide you relief from your symptoms and treat the underlying cause of those symptoms. Whether those causes are from sports specific overuse, repetitive compensatory patterns, poor training habits or other physical and emotional stressors.

Benefits include:

  • Increased mobility and stability of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Faster recovery and performance.

  • Improved posture and alignment.

  • Relief from pain cycles.

  • Decrease chance of injury.

  • Specific tools to optimize your sport/training.

  • A deeper mind and body connection - which often helps improve other areas of your life.

What to Expect

During assessment and throughout the treatment, James listens, feels and observes what your body needs so each session is unique. Sessions will begin with “traditional” relaxing massage techniques to help the body and mind settle, but please note this is NOT a spa massage. The intent is to unfold deeper layers of muscle knots (trigger points), fascial adhesions, joint restrictions and energetic stuck stress. At times treatment will feel intense (but not painful) and James encourages open communication as you work together to optimize the benefits of treatment.

Sessions include:

  • A postural assessment to strategize a treatment plan that will focus on the cause of your symptoms.

  • Stability and stretching exercises specific to your needs.

  • A combination of techniques not limited to sport and medical massage, orthopedic manual therapy, trigger point and myofascial release, structural integration, active and passive release and various neuromuscular stretching modalities.

  • You will be in relaxing positions on the table, however you will also be side lying or seated positions and some active movement may be incorporated. This will help to break fascia adhesions, change the dynamics of habitual movement patterns and strengthen weak and tight areas in the musculoskeletal system.

  • Deeper muscles worked on that are often under treated: ilacus, psoas, rotator cuff, scalenes, ribs etc.

  • Offers 2.5 hour sessions for optimal transformation. A minimum of 90 minutes + are recommended for the first session.